Sunday 10 February 2013

Warning... What your about to read may make you fall off your chair laughing your backside off :D

Well... Heres the story
I wanted to find out what and HOW me and bumble became friends SO i went on the account where i met her, which was Lipstick Panda, and looked through our INTIRE convo on there, All these made me cry of happiness and laughter :D Here are some pics i took but there not in order, Pmsl back when we wernt dirty minded... WE? Me more like o_o
Pahaa XD
I may be embarrising you bumble.... Sorry pmsl but these are making me LAUGH OFF MY CHAIR XD
 Aww pmsl XD
Then i ended up moving the convo onto Weak Boys and Pink Girls, which was a famous series i made on Lipstick panda, then bumble flew levels up to level 14 XD then she was gonna quit, i stopped her, then she leveled to level 15 Bla bla bla :D Divine love was amazing bumble, Continue the osm movies, they get more views than shortmovies ;D

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