Monday 21 January 2013


Been out with Becky(=, AwesomeLivvy and HeavenlyBlue, My besties in real, and we went out with my cousin cause he pratically begged us, and we was running down the path and my cousin was stupid and ran on the ICY road, and fell over... I had a video but it showed the street name sooo... Heres a picture of him, I covered his face out cause he looks like my twin and I NO LIKE RANDOMERS LOOKING AT ME EVEN WHEN I HAVENT SEEN THEM IN REAL :D So yeah this is my cousin flat out on the road... Dw no cars were there haha :D
Hes 12 and hes a midget :D

Me and my cousin made a shmexy snowman just 20 mins ago loool Its gotta long nose ;D
Hahaa ;D

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